My Craft Room

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Titled: What?

Another poem I just wrote :-)

It's mind boggling
To be erased
from many lives
and they don't seem fazed.

Do they not see?
What they are doing?
That it's not just me
they are throwing?

The Lord called us
to live in peace
bearing each other's burdens
it's not just a short lease.

But I have been erased,
I've done all that can be done,
I sit here and watch,
all of them run.

I'm okay,
I'm sad for them all,
wish they knew better,
it's hard seeing them fall.

I wait for them to see,
for them to realize
the harshness they brought,
and the assumptions and lies

I'm okay,
they need not worry about me
I'm praying for them
to open their eyes and finally see.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Poem I wrote

Poem I wrote. No need for comments, just needed to get some stuff off my chest.

Happy Birthday

I keep thinking
I'm better off without you
how sad to say
but it's very true

You were a poison
spreading to willing ears
how sad the things you do
causing me so many tears

You tried making me think
all this was all my fault
but it was you,
and the bad things you thought

One way out
The answer is in the book
Not Dr's or PhD's
Only God's word, please look

Lies destroy,
Lies, slander, Betrayal,
but with Jesus,
How can you fail?

So remember this,
The truth will set you free
Cry out to Him,
Grace has no fee

He gives Grace freely
to all that come to Him
we don't deserve it,
His blood washes away the sins

Freedom is a gift,
sinners live in bondage,
slavery they put themselves in,
It's a choice to change.

Think of how it will feel
to be real before God,
and His people
and not be a fraud

To finally walk alongside,
abiding in the Lord,
His blessings bestowed upon you,
all in one chord.

He will forgive you,
all you can do is ask,
He's done it for all of us,
It's His favorite task.

I pray you choose Him
I pray you choose Truth
I pray you get real,
That is the deal.